About Kent
Kent's varied background and experience provides a unique
perspective on life's lessons
Teacher, coach, principal, banker, author, husband, father and
powerful speaker, Kent Stock is also the man who coached the 1991 Norway
High School baseball team during their now-famous final season. As
depicted in the 2007 film, The Final Season, the nationally recognized
Norway baseball team came together under inauspicious circumstances.
They defied the odds under the leadership of first-year head baseball
coach, Kent Stock, and proceeded to win Norway’s 20th state title.
Growing up in central Iowa, Kent excelled at baseball with the support
of his close-knit family. To begin his college career, Kent selected
Waldorf College, whose baseball program was then ranked 13th nationally.
He played second base for Waldorf and then transferred to Luther College
his junior year. There he continued to pursue his love of the sport
while earning his undergraduate degree in business management with a
minor in education.
Kent began his career in Belle Plaine, Iowa where he became well known
and respected as both a teacher and coach. While scouting a game he met
the head coach of nearby Norway, Iowa’s famous baseball team, Jim Van
Scoyoc, who agreed to interview Kent for an assistant coach position
that had just opened up in Norway. Over the years, Norway, a tiny
community of less than 600, defied statistical probability by producing
16 professional baseball players and countless college players. Baseball
was pivotal in this small Iowa town.
“As a kid, I always wanted my parents to move to Norway so I could play
Norway baseball. Jim Van Scoyoc was a legend in the area and to talk
with him was like meeting one of my childhood heroes,” remembers Kent.
After a year as Van Scoyoc’s assistant, Kent became the head coach just
as Norway was notified that the school would be merging with a
neighboring school in the fall, making the summer of 1991 the last
baseball season as Norway High School. The team, led by 30-year-old
Kent, had only one goal in mind as they started their final season – to
win Norway’s 20th State Title. As you’ll see in the movie, they
accomplished just that.
Kent remained at Belle Plaine High School another seven years before
earning his Masters degree from Drake University in education
administration. Kent left Belle Plaine in 1998 to take a middle school
principal position in the Linn-Mar Community School District.
Kent authored a book titled, “Heading for Home: My Journey from Little
League to Hollywood.” Heading for Home is about Kent’s love affair with
baseball. But it’s a much larger story. It’s about family, about faith
being tested and affirmed, and about the idea that if you never give up,
incredible things can happen.
Today, Kent is a relationship manager at Community Savings Bank in Cedar
Rapids. He lives in Marion, Iowa with his wife, Laurie and two
daughters. While a long-time inspirational force for the many students
he has taught and coached over the years, their families and countless
educational providers, Kent launched his professional speaking career in
2007. His messages of motivation and relationship building have a
powerful impact on young and old alike. His stories transcend the
baseball field, classroom and office.
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